Monday Night Net

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YL nets on HF... (2 replies and 1 comment)

9 years ago
m0hzt 9 years ago

I, M0HZT-Jenni, will be resuming Nets on 40m, using the call sign, M0BYL, -Bylara's call sign.. time will be at 20.00 on 7.175 +/-
I hope your ladies in Essex will support me...

Dorothy M0LMR
9 years ago
Dorothy M0LMR 9 years ago

Hi Jenni , I will have a listen out for the next one, I've only just seen this post xx

9 years ago
Rachel 9 years ago

What dates does this happen?

4 years ago

I am thinking of starting the nets on 40m, what evenings are good for you ladies

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