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Yaesu PDN mode (2 replies)

3 months ago
M7RTA 3 months ago

Hi All, I have conundrum that I have not been able to resolve. I live in France at the moment and cannot operate here with my M7 licence. I am able to DX on 11 metres from time to time when the propagation is good, but I would like to make contact with other amateurs in the UK. I always travel with HT's when I come to the UK and have had some great QSO's in the different parts of the country that I visit.

I am fully aware that the most straightforward solution is further study to gain intermediate and full licences and ulitmately HAREC. 

My question is this; does using a VOIP based connection such as Echolink or Yaesu PDN overseas contravene my licence conditions? 





George M0URB
3 months ago
George M0URB 3 months ago

I believe you can use Echolink while overseas on your UK Foundation licence, because when you access the Echolink system via a TCP/IP connection you are not putting RF into the air, so you are not using the amateur radio service at your location. At the other end (i.e. at the repeater you connect to), the output is the responsibility of the repeater keeper.

This page deals with the general principle of using Echolink as a UK Foundation Licence holder. The answer focuses on the aspect of the use of gateways and repeaters. (You may wish to double check what the recently updated licence conditions say about unattended gateways, as this may or may not have changed following the review this year.)

Hope this helps!

George M0URB

3 months ago
M7RTA 3 months ago


Thank you for your considered reply and the helpful link. I have posed the same question to the RSGB so it will be interesting to see their position on this issue.

Rick M7RTA

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