Canvey Rally 2024 – Sunday 4th February

South Essex Amateur Radio Society LogoA quick reminder that next Sunday, the 4th of February 2024, is the Canvey Rally in Essex.

This is the 37th Canvey Rally, and as always, it’ll be a great opportunity to catch up with old friends as well as newcomers to the hobby. This popular annual event is run by the team at SEARS, the South Essex Amateur Radio Society.

The rally is a great place to go to pick up a bargain, catch up with local amateurs and clubs, and, of course, enjoy a SEARS bacon buttie.

Doors open at 10:00am. Admission price is £4. Parking is free, although there are only limited spaces at the school, so you may need to use nearby off-street parking. Getting there early is always a good plan if you want a bargain (although that’s the busiest time).

Essex Ham will be there, as will many other local clubs. We gather that the ICQ Podcast team will also be there.

Canvey Rally Video

New to the rally? Check out our video to see what happens at the rally – this is from the 2020 rally, which was visited by the BBC:

Our report on the 2020 Canvey Rally
Canvey Rally 2020 – Video Summary

Canvey Rally Location

The SEARS Canvey Rally is at The Cornelius Vermuyden School, Dinant Avenue, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 9QS


Looking forward to catching up with lots of you on Sunday!

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  1. Philip. M6edm 28 January 2024 Reply
  2. M1EMF 29 January 2024 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 29 January 2024 Reply

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