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This page contains information about the GB7EX DMR repeater, which is now online in South Essex.
Repeater Status
GB7EX became operational on 20 December 2014 and is connected to the Phoenix network. |
Repeater Information
Output Frequency | 439.7125 MHz |
Input Frequency | 430.7125 MHz |
Location | JO01GN ; TQ775875 |
Channel | DVU57 |
Network | Phoenix |
Colour Code | 3 |
Home Region | 801 (South East England) |
Slot 1 | TG1 (World Wide Calling) TG2 (Europe Calling) TG9 (Local) TG13 (World-wide English Calling) TG80-TG84 (UK-wide, User Activated) TG113 (World-wide English, User Activated) TG119 (World-wide, User Activated) TG123 (World-wide English, User Activated) TG129 (World-wide, User Activated) TG235 (UK-wide, Calling) |
Slot 2 | TG9 (Local) TG801 (Regional – South East England) TG802 (Regional – South East England) Plus other TG8xx regions (See list) TG9990 (Echo Server) |
Repeater Keeper | Vince Maddex G8YPK |
Live Monitors | DMR Log ; OpenDMR |
Last updated Sept 16 – Anything wrong? Please let us know
Repeater Coverage

GB7EX Photos

What is DMR?
DMR is a digital voice mode (like Icom’s D-Star and Yaesu’s Fusion). You will need a DMR radio (normally a handheld) to access a DMR repeater. You will also need a subscriber ID for each radio.
More help on getting started with DMR, see our DMR in Essex guide, or go to DMR-MARC for more information.
Related Links
- Traffic passed through GB7EX
- UK Repeaters
- Register at Ham-Digital – Get a Subscriber ID for your DMR
- DMR in Essex
Couldn’t resist the temptation of eBay, and got myself a DP3400, despite the lack of screen. Wannabe buyers should note: Programming this radio requires a cable with a custom connector, and paid programming software.
So, on that note… Anyone fancy lending me the cable and software/helping me program this radio for GB7EX?
I can program it for you. Have you got your radio number yet ?
That would be great, thanks! Yup, all signed up with Ham Digital/DMRUK — I’ve just dropped you an email via QRZ. :)
Wou;d it be possible to send me the code plug for the DP3400, I have the lead and software.
John – G0XBJ
Hi m8 i am in wales in newport gwent i need Radio repeater information i got hd 1 radio i cant find repeater information or i find is frequency do u no were i can find tham to been stuck for 3 weak now cant get nothing to work cant hear nothing
g8ypk i have a dp3600 which i think is prog correctly but unable to get any joy from gb7ex even running through x510 im in colchester mersea side does it cover this area or maybe my prog is all to pot cheers chris 2e0dby
GB7EX is a great DMR repeater, it covers NW Kent very well. The repeater keeper G8YPK is often on the air and gives great advice and support to fellow DMR users.
GB7EX is the only DMR repeater I can get into from my QTH (Wittersham, Kent JO-01-IA) ~ and it is full strength on RX here :-)
I have just programmed up my Kydera 500D & look forward to working this new mode!
Thanks for all the hard work you do :-)
I might be late to this party. Just ordered an MD-380 which should be with me tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
I was really excited about my latest purchase of an entry level DMR HT, GB7EX is my closest repeater for an introduction to DV. Nothing, after hour upon hour of programming and a rapid learning curve, I’ve heard not a single squeak. I’ve stood outside, on the top of the highest peaks, still nothing, is it actually on air? If so then the coverage maps are grossly exaggerated. Simplex, I’m beginning to think it’s a mode that doesn’t in fact actually exist, it’s a myth, any suggestions, apart from MOVE HOME. 73 G1HPV LOL!
not much information (G1HPV)
Is your codeplug valid, and more importantly where are you.
If you are using the supplied rubber duck then I would not expect the coverage map to be accurate.
Saying that Dorothy could access EX from the car park of the marts club in north kent with the rubber duck antenna a few weeks back.
I know of a station in witham that struggled but according to the map he is not covered.
I also know someone in wickford who struggles to get a signal with a vertical in the garden.
I’m not registered myself but Dorothy thinks it’s brilliant .
Agree with Richard (about your information being vague) – It’s really easy to make a mistake with the Codeplug settings (I’m only 4 days into this DMR fun). An incorrect colour-code, slot or group and you’ll hear nothing.
I am in Chelmsford (43mASL) and can work EX with my outside V-2000 aerial – I can just about decode it with the rubber-duck on my MD-380 in the local park, but not reliably. It can be worked at Galleywood Common (again, on a handheld) where it’s a bit higher-up. EX, although closest, is not my strongest DMR system: GB7IK and SE are a bit better. 1 or 2 users in Southend have struggled, so could just be local terrain.
I did notice an incorrect frequency pair on IK’s settings in a nationally available Codeplug, so I advise you to get it looked at: Vince G8YPK (keeper of EX) is very approachable, and I’d be happy to give it the once over (it contains nothing private) – I am on QRZ if you want to make contact.
The callsign and a quick glance at QRZ is a bit of a giveaway as to my location, the marsh is on my doorstep and I’d be in the North Sea if I go any further East, unfortunately the wrong side of the clay bump between EX and myself. I see from your location M0CLZ your just a stones throw from the repeater as is Dorothy herself; albeit line of sight across the Thames. Yes I am registered on the DMR system, aswell as things up to date, I’m not knocking the repeater itself, more the digital voice aspect whether DMR D-Star or whatever and the deaf HT just purchased, if more effort and participation was to be put into maybe FREEDV or such like, on all bands not just HF, and drop the elitism which exists at the moment with competing systems, we’d all be better off. I’m just making light comment, each to their own as they say, it’s just a hobby to be enjoyed by all whatever their interest, some are still arguing as to the merits of transistors HA! 73 Happy xmas G1HPV.
Programming code plugs can be a total bear. The simplest mistake can render it useless.
One way to test what is happening is to use the DMR monitor for GB7EX which is online at
That should help you. I’m happy to assist looking at your codeplug etc. EX is suitably busy that you should be hearing something.
Hi I have the same experience with an Anytone AT-D868UV. My QTH is on top of a Hill in Rayleigh overlooking Leigh on Sea on the border some 4 miles from the Southend repeater below. On contacting the supplier of the radio I was advised get a bigger antenna. Now done with a half wave whip and still no connection With it upstairs looking towards Southend but strangely the call sign of of one amateur station appeared in the display but the radio states repeater not found. All my old analogue sets receive the digital signal from Southend yet not the Anytone it receives or connects to nothing. I am now making a lead to connect it to my 25 foot mast with collinear that in the old repeater network gets me in to Dover Chelmsford, Romford and Maidstone on 70cm. Will it connect the Anytone a mobile hand held that has to be a base station on a wire it appears? Or is there something wrong with the programming or settings – any ideas before I give up after five calls to the dealer and an email? I am not keen on spending another £100 on a hotspot if the radio is duff.
Thanks Paul for the link but Ive done all this, it’s more a case of me living in the marshes below sea level battling with mutant mosquitoes, with a second to none takeoff to the East with a North Sea ground-plane HI! I appreciate any input, but as old school, just trying to blend in. 73 G1HPV.
M0PZT Yeah I can see what your saying, I didn’t intend to get into a battle of antennas and who lives where, it was more a case of generalising about the mode itself. Programming habitually online updated “codeplugs” of a huge list of radio amateurs who you will never ever contact or speak to is in my mind totally pointless. I therefore decided to start from the ground up, even so DV leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve carefully programmed EX and IK all groups S1/S2, colours etc, even all DMR simplex channels, still nothing. SDR scanning of DV frequencies is like watching paint dry, perhaps it’s because I live below DATUM level, with the North Sea higher than me HI! 73s G1HPV
Hi everyone,
Any help with programming a Kydera DM-880 would be much appreciated. Trying to connect to GB7EX, but all I get on keying up is “BS revive timeout”?
Hi everyone,
Any help with programming a Kydera DM-880 would be much appreciated. Trying to connect to GB7EX, but all I get on keying up is “BS revive timeout”? Believe I have the correct freq etc, & it to be a handshaking problem.
bs revive timeout means you are not getting into the repeater! I have the kydera cdm 550h
Dear Sir
i just read your message about kydera, ihave same pb “BS revive timeout”
What do i do for this ?
Thanks for your help !
Hello, one, check antenna, two, check coverage and operational status, and third check your codeplug!
BS revive timeout means you are not reaching the repeater sir
73 Lee M0LJL
Andrew, if you want to, email me your codeplug file, My CMD-550h programming software also has the DM-880H programming with it, I can check it over if you like? you will find my email address on de Lee M0LJL
Hi Lee,
Thanks for the reply. Any chance you could send me a codeplug please?
Ps happy new year!
Hi all, I am just live since yesterday with my dm380, but need help to add zs repeater to a spare channel. I have the programming software etc and have already managed to save the original codeplug safely and then changed my startup screen to my callsign and name. Chuffed …..
Can anyone help me do the above if I send you my codeplug.
Hi John – Take a look at the Ham Goodies DMR codeplugs – See – If Charlie doesn’t have what you need, contact him and he may be able to help.
John if you would like to send it to me I’ll sort it for you. Replace the letter X in the email address with my callsign. Also let me know exactly what repeater you want.
Paul G7BHE
thanks will do.
strange how i show up on the 20th sep 2016 as going through EX on tg801I havent even got tg801 im my codeplug!
Hello All,
we have been working with Kydera in China directly and have the 850 and 990 models with custom firmware and software available for sale. We also can help with the programming and set up if needed (free) Please take a look around our club blog at
our dmr radio project (Trilogy)
overview of what DMR radio’s can do:
Wishing you all best 73 and look forward to chatting on DMR in the future.
James Preece (M0JFP)
Chertsey Radio club (MX0MXO)
Hi Guys,
I need some help with programming DP3400 portable and a DM3600 base radio.
I have the leads and the software if anyone needs to borrow them !
But what I do not have is a working code plug file.
So if some kind person can supply a useable code plug file for the above kit it would be appreciated.
First time back to the hobby after 10 years away so just getting going on digital.
I have a DMR ID all ready and waiting !
Howard (G8DXV)
Can anyone help with code plug files for Moto radio DP3600 and also DM3600 for DMR use.?
Best Regards,
Hi Howard. Welcome back to the hobby. I started my foray into the digital voice world on DMR.
This website might be able to assist:
However if you have no luck then I would be happy to show you how to write a codeplug. Ive only done it on TyT radios but it can’t be too dissimilar.
Paul G7BHE
hi all im an m6 but havent operated for a while just found out about dmr what i would like to know is how do you make a call on dmr is their a certain protocol
Hi All.
Is it correct to have TG9 on slot 1 and 2 on GB7EX.
Your site is very informative. I am new to DMR and just received the radio an Anytone handheld pre- programmed ‘ready to go’? My location is on top of the hill overlooking Leigh in Sea / Southend some 4 miles from the repeater but so far I have not heard a thing from the radio. The message on it is repeater not found and in scan nothing.
On order I have a half wave whip and connector for my mast. On contacting the supplier they said get an antenna or connect to the mast. Which I am doing when they arrive but being so close to Southend I suspect the problem may be in the radio settings. Any ideas. I should point out in my location I get in to the Dover analogue repeater on 70 cm and my old handheld with mag mount opens the Essex Kent and edge of East London repeaters on any day.
hi, im new to dmr, just bought a baofeng dmr, is there anyone who could help me program it.
would you happen to have a uk codeplug for the Kydera-CDR-300UV please ?