An update on the new online Foundation courses offered by Essex Ham, from course leader Pete M0PSX:
Wow. What can I say? Since starting these online courses last month, it’s fair to say I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with the response. I’ve also fielded a lot of questions about what the course is all about, and how it’s run. So for those keen to find out more, I thought you may appreciate this short update.
Course Status
The first course completed at the end of June. This was our beta test course, with 7 students.
We’re in the final stages of Course 2 (two modules and a mock to go). This is the full course, with a full video for each module, a structured set of course notes, a slideshow, plus several tests.
We have 18 people on this course including a physics student, relatives of existing amateurs, former CBers, an avionics engineer, a scout teacher, and an amateur from Malta looking to take all three levels of the UK licence. We have local students (Essex, London, Suffolk) as well as from Devon, Dorset, the Midlands and Scotland.
We’re just about to start Course 3 (Sunday 19th July). We currently have 8 people confirmed, a further 9 awaiting confirmation, and another 11 enquiries.
Details and FAQ here: Foundation Online – Amateur Radio Training Course
Course Structure
From the feedback we’re getting, the format seems to be working. The plan for Course 02 was to drop a new module into the online classroom every two-to-three days. Each of the nine modules ends with a short multiple-choice test, to make sure everything’s been understood, and the next module is only released when 50% of the students or more are happy to proceed. We’ve had people racing ahead and completing each module as soon as it’s released, and others saving up modules and having a batch revision session.

Course Stats
Stats show that the Feeders and Antennas module seems to be the best understood of the modules so far, with a 91% understanding score. Licence conditions has the lowest score, but not everyone has completed this module yet, which skews the stats. Average engagement time on the online course (modules 1 to 7) is just under 5 hours, which feels about right.

Club / Trainer Support
First off, a big thanks to all who’ve got in touch with offers of support and encouragement. We’ve been contacted by three clubs keen to see if our course is a good match for their own training activities, and we’ve had some very nice comments made about what we’re doing – The support is appreciated. A special thanks to the team at London Hackspace, who have been very supportive and have been promoting the course within their membership – It was always hoped that we’d be able to link this course with other club training activities, and some have already got on board in the interest of helping to make it easier for people to get their Foundation
We would ask that if you’re involved with training, or part of a club, you don’t sign up to the course, just to have a look around. We have created a test course, which we’re happy to let clubs and registered trainers log into, to see exactly what we offer. We’d welcome other trainers to have a look – comments and suggestions are welcome, and we’d like this to be a tool that trainers can make use of where appropriate. For example, it may be that our video content is of use for those not able to travel to a training venue, or who prefer watching / listening at odd hours. If you’re a trainer, contact us if you want more information, or access to our test course.
Thanks to Radcom for the mention too this week – this has caused a slight spike in traffic, and generated a few leads – mostly from family members of existing amateurs, which I guess isn’t surprising.
That’s all for the moment – as we’re seeing a lot of interest in the course, I thought those curious about the new course might appreciate an update!
Any questions or comments? Please add a note below, or contact us.
Pete M0PSX
Related Links
It’s a pity I can’t start this Foundation Online Course 3 tomorrow (Sunday 19th July), only because I don’t have yet a copy of the RSGB’s “Foundation Licence Now!”, the official book that supports the course. For this reason, I had to cancel my enrollment, but as soon as I get a copy of this book I’ll enroll in this marvellous course again, God willing!
Best regards,
Antonio Ubirajara
Hi there,
Thank you for the message. You do not need the Foundation book to take the course, but it can be helpful. You are welcome to join the course that starts tomorrow, even without the book, or you can wait for the next course, which we think will be in mid-August, so not far away!
Thanks for your interest in the course, and best wishes, Pete
Hi Pete,
As I am very anxious to take the course, I don’t want to miss this opportunity, so I prefer to start tomorrow, even without the Foundation book, but anyway I’m going to buy it soon.
Best regards,
Antonio Ubirajara
OK – Check your email account for the signup details. Pete
Hi Pete,
The course is excellent! I didn’t find any difficulty so far.
Best regards,
Antonio Ubirajara
Good morning de Brasil, Pete and online classmates,
I’m enjoying both the videos and the online text notes. They are well produced and of high quality. Now let’s move onto the Module 4 – Feeders & Antennas.
Best regards,
Antonio Ubirajara
de Brazil
Hi Pete,
The course is becomming better and better. I’m enjoying it a lot, as always.
Best regards,
Antonio Ubirajara
Hi Pete,
I’ve just finished the final module and the end-of-course mock with success. Thank you for letting me take this excellent Online Foundation Course 3.
I intend to continue studying the materials of this course and some books that I orded a few days ago, such as Foundation Licence – Now!, Intermediate Licence, Advanced – The Full Licence, and Amateur Radio Exam Secrets, all published by the RSGB which I’ll be receiving them soon.
Remember that I’m very interested in taking the Intermediate Course. Let me know, please.
Antonio Ubirajara