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Reliable repairs in Essex (2 replies)

2 months ago
G4POP 2 months ago

Looking for a repair to my SunSDR, its a simple power switch change and I have the switch. I would do it myself but at 84 years old my eyes are not too good.

Looking for a comercial company not some back yard bodger.

73 de G4POP Terry

2 months ago
G8GFF 2 months ago

Not Essex but have used him from Essex. Quick service pre-covid best to phone first.


Castle Electronics Unit2 Village Workshops Telerrddig Road LLANERFYL POWYS SY21 0AS

New Phone nbr 01938 820880

1 month ago
G4POP 1 month ago

Thanks for the information but with the aid of a magnifier and a lot of patience I managed to fix it myself

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