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Passed! (4 replies and 1 comment)

5 months ago
Colink 5 months ago

A big thanks to you guys for the online training courses. Ive just completed the online Foundation exam and got two questions wrong, one on band plans and satellites and the other, I think I just misread the question and got confused with EMC and EMF! 

Its been a very long time since Ive done an exam, but it was all very relaxed and any questions were soon answered. Just a small bit of advice to anyone taking the exam soon, give yourself plenty of time to get logged on and connected. I had a few issues logging on to the chat part, 'Webex' and nearly didnt make the deadline time.

Ive already made a donation to the Essex Ham team, but Im that happy with the result, all down to you guys, that Im going to make another one!



5 months ago
M7OCM 5 months ago

Well done - have fun choosing your callsign! 

5 months ago

Well done Colin , now is the fun part . The one bit of advice i would give is to join a local radio club . If you get any problems , it is always nice to have an elmer to feed off . GL

Peter M0PWX (2E0PWX)
5 months ago

welcome to the hobby Colin

now the fun starts when you have to choose kit, put up an antenna and get on the air

then you also have to work out what bits of the hobby interest you

FM Voice

digital modes (FT8/4, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31 etc)



any questions just ask, someone on here will be able to answer, and when you start there is no such thing as a silly question, we all started in the same place with little or no knowledge




(not Pete M0PSX who runs essexham)

George M0URB
5 months ago
George M0URB 5 months ago

Congratulations and welcome to the hobby, Colin!


George M0URB

5 months ago
M7FNZ 5 months ago

Congats Colin, just passed mind last Sunday :-)

Steve  M7FNZ

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