This weekend, Saturday the 18th of November is another chance for amateurs across Essex to inject some life into 2m, as it’s another Essex 2m Activity Day.
The event is organised by the Thurrock Acorns club, in the hope that clubs and amateurs across the county will get on-air. As usual, the Essex 2m Activity event will be supported by Essex Ham, as we fully support the aims of the scheme.
Get on the air!
The event runs from 1pm till 5pm on Saturday, and we’d ask amateurs in and around Essex to get on to 2m and show your support.
Come and see us
Essex Ham will be out for the afternoon at the East Essex Hackspace in Hockley – All are welcome to attend, especially any newcomers in the area that want to get hands-on with some amateur radio kit. The address is:
East Essex Hackspace
Hawkwell Pavilion
Park Gardens

All are welcome to attend and there’s free parking, but we only have room for one station, which will be a 2m station for the “Essex 2m Activity Day”, so please don’t bring along your equipment for this particular event. Below is a short video showing what the East Essex Hackspace is all about:
Get Active This Saturday
Let’s get as active as we can this Saturday and make sure the band is busy – FM voice, SSB, CW, Data, repeaters and gateways – it all counts, so get on-air and rack up some contacts.
Keep an eye on Twitter, for updates on where to find the Essex Ham station on 2m.
Every day should be 2m activity day not just manufactured ‘special days’ …. same goes for POTA SOTA COTA you don’t need an excuse to come on the radio … 2m is dead up here in the Glasgow area except for me …
Is this event likely to be repeated at some time? I live in South Devon and I think I’ve found a high point on Dartmoor (Ugborough Beacon) from which using CW or SSB I might be able to reach you. I’ve managed a 2m CW QSO into Southern Scotland from this region so Essex should be very possible. The snag is the weather forecast is rubbish for Saturday afternoon down here!
My link with Essex Ham is I did my foundation course with you about 3 years ago, for which many thanks.