New Email Discussion Group

Essex Ham has today launched some new email discussion groups, to see if members find this a useful way of communicating. If you want to give it a try, here are the basics:

What is an email discussion group? LogoIf you’re familiar with Yahoo Groups or Google Groups, then you’ll be aware of the concept. Essentially, when you sign up, you’ll be able to send an email to a special group email address, and your message will be shared with the rest of the group. Sometimes known as an “email reflector”, these are a great way to follow a discussion, or have new discussions emailed to you as they happen – much easier than logging onto a forum to see what’s new. Hopefully a fast and easy way of sharing information.

We tried the system before, with a Yahoo Group, but there wasn’t much interest. Following some member feedback, we thought we’d try again.

We’re using a service called this time around, which seems to be a pretty popular system.

Screenshot of Essex Ham's discussion group
Screenshot of Essex Ham’s discussion group

Will I get spam?

Hopefully not. Only those registering with our group will be allowed to post, and you can choose whether to get all messages as they’re sent, a digest of 12 messages, a daily summary, important messages only, to get no messages and read online only. Unlike Yahoo Groups, you can mute discussions you’re not interested in, and follow threads of interest using #hashtags

What Groups are available?

The one I’d like to draw your attention to, is called Essex Ham Group Discussion. This is intended for discussion of amateur radio activity in Essex, questions and support for Essex Ham members, and a place to make suggestions or ask other amateurs in the county. If you’d like to give it a try, go to and follow the sign-up instructions 0 it’s as simple as typing in your email address.

Your membership request will be held for approval, which I’ll sort as quickly as possible. The only other thing I’d ask, is that you set your display name as your first name and callsign, so that everyone sees a name and callsign. Fake names or anonymous accounts are likely to be removed. 

There are two other groups we’re trying:

Other ways to chat

We offer quite a number of other ways to stay in touch with Essex Ham. In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a list:


The new Email Discussion Group is live to see if there’s any member interest, so if you fancy trying a new way to keep up-to-date with ham radio in Essex… please give it a try! As always, feedback and suggestions welcome!


Pete M0PSX

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