East Essex Hackspace

The East Essex Hackspace is based in Hockley and launched in September 2021. This page contains some basic information regarding amateur radio at East Essex Hackspace.

What is a Hackspace?

A “Hackspace” (or “Makerspace”) is a community venue designed to encourage construction, learning and collaboration. There is a network of 70 Hackspaces in the UK.

What’s at the East Essex Hackspace?

Quite a lot, including metal & wood workshop facilities, a computer lab with an electronics workbench, 3D printers, a laser cutter and a social space to meet and learn. It’s an impressive setup, especially for those with an interest in “making”, which obviously something that many of us radio amateurs like to do. They have facilities that many of us may not have access to, and you can join as a member to get access to work on your projects. There’s a social side too, plus the ability to help others.

Amateur radio?

The Hackspace runs all sorts of community activities, and amateur radio seems a good fit. A couple of Essex Ham members are also members of the East Essex Hackspace, and our group put on a special event station (GB0EEH) to support and promote their launch day in 2021 and are hoping to run more events at the Hackspace, as well as providing training to Hackspace members. See the following video:

Interested in finding out more?

The address is as follows:

East Essex Hackspace
Hawkwell Pavilion
Park Gardens

For more on the Hackspace, go to the East Essex Hackspace Wiki.

Outside the Tardis that is the East Essex Hackpace
Outside the East Essex Hackspace in Hockley



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