Problems Signing Up To Our Course?

To sign up to the Foundation Online course, you need to create a free Student account with a platform called Canvas – they provide our online classroom environment.

Need some help getting into the online classroom for our course? Here’s some help:


Step-by-step guide on accessing the classroom:

The following video shows how to get into the Canvas platform – this is a step-by-step guide for anyone who needs extra help getting started:


Not getting our emails?

If you’re not getting our emails? Check your spam folder or see

Forgotten your password?

If you have already created your Canvas, you can log in here:

If you have forgotten your password, select “Forgot your password”, and you’ll be sent an email helping you to set a new password.

If you don’t get the email reminder, check the following:

  • Are you entering the correct email address that you registered with?
  • Have you checked your email spam folder?

Asked for a course code?

You don’t need a course code, as the link we sent contains a personal invitation to our course. If you’re being asked for a Course Code, you’ve not followed the instructions correctly – watch the above video. (Firefox user? Try a different browser)

We’ve also heard that Firefox users

Login problems?

Once you have registered with Canva, you can log on here:

A common problem we hear is that people are using “auto-complete” and/or password managers on their browser, so the browser is automatically filling in old passwords. If you’re having repeated problems, try a different browser or a different computer, just in case.

We’ve also had reports that some very old web browsers, and some of the more basic mobile phones, can struggle with the security features of some websites – so try a different browser on a different device.

Other things to try:

Occasionally we hear of people having problems with basic mobile phone browsers. If you’re struggling to sign up or log in on a mobile device, the best advice is to try on a different device or a different web browser – basic browsers on older phones may not be compatible with sites like Canvas, so it’s worth trying with an up-to-date fully-featured web browser.

Need a tour of the classroom?

Watch this video for a short video tour, to learn how to use the course:

Still no joy?

Still having problems? Please contact us. If you need our help, we need to know the exact problem you’re having, what you’ve tried, the exact error message you’re seeing, the devices you’ve tried, and the type/version of web browsers that you have tried.


  1. Daniel 25 March 2023 Reply
  2. Caroline 15 October 2023 Reply
  3. Julius Downes 14 January 2024 Reply

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