Foundation Online 2017 Stats

For those interested in UK training statistics, here is a short overview of our free Foundation Online courses in 2017.

2017 Course Stats

Courses Run: 14 (Courses #23 to #36)
Total enrolled: 385 (32% increase on 2016)
Average per course: 27.5
Peak: 45 (Course 30, July 2017)

Age Profile

Foundation Online 2017 - Age Breakdown
Foundation Online 2017 – Age Breakdown


Students on a Ham Train Foundation Online course in 2017
Students on a Ham Train Foundation Online course in 2017

Supply and Demand

Out of curiosity, the following maps show enrolment in 2017 vs availability of courses and exams:

Foundation Online 2017 and RSGB Courses/Exams
Foundation Online 2017 and RSGB Courses/Exams

Course Information

Our Foundation Online courses are FREE and cover the UK Amateur Radio Foundation Syllabus.

Courses are run monthly at the start of each month, and lessons are delivered in 9 modules (an average of 3 a week) using an Industry-standard online classroom.

More information here: Ham Train’s Foundation Online


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