HamTrain: Tutor Newsletter January 2020

The following newsletter was sent to registered tutors on this site on the 15th of January 2020:


Tutor Newsletter January 2020

You’re receiving this as you’re signed up to the Ham Train Tutors site. This short update is to advise you of a couple of bits of information that may be of interest with respect to training:


Tutor Survey

There has been some discussion online, in the RSGB tutor group, and most recently in Practical Wireless focussing on new possible routes into the hobby, including a possible “beginners” licence, plus a “direct-to-full” licence.

We’ve put together a survey to get some feedback on what would make a good “entry-level” to amateur radio, and we’ve had over 70 responses so far. If you’ve not taken part, you can do so here: www.sxham.uk/elsurvey

You may also be interested in our video with John G4SWX on the subject of a possible “beginners licence” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYGAmtClfzc

Foundation Slides

Our set of Foundation training slides has recently been updated. The updates are based on feedback received from some clubs who are already using them. We’ve also created .odp and Google Slide versions, as requested by a couple of clubs.

Slides can be found here: https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/amateur-radio-foundation-slides/ – Comments or suggestions welcome!

Foundation Online Course

Our free online course has now restarted, following an overhaul for the 2020 syllabus. This includes online lessons, videos, mocks and handouts. Just over 100 people enrolled on our January course, which is a record for us. Courses start on the first weekend of each month. Courses aren’t intended to replace club training, but to provide an extra resource for students looking to self-study. If you think your students would find the course useful, please point them to www.hamtrain.co.uk, where there is a video of how it all works. Thanks to those clubs who’ve embraced it and recommend it as supplemental learning for their students.

If you’re interested, our 2019 stats are available, showing age profile and position of candidates on the map: https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/stats/

Tutor Training Group

A quick reminder that we run a small Tutor reflector, primarily aimed at syllabus discussion. We have around 40 members, and it’s fairly low-traffic. See https://amateurradiotraining.groups.io

Electrical Safety

In case you missed it, note that RSGB has issued an update regarding 8A2 at all levels of the syllabus – See https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/amateur-radio-foundation-slides/ – This doesn’t actually appear to be a change to the syllabus as such, but it does appear that some questions “may not be asked”.

Hopefully, you’ve found this update of interest. Results of our survey will be published shortly, so please have your say!

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