Full Licence – Courses and Exams (In person)

RSGB Full ManualIf you’re looking to study for your Full UK amateur radio licence in person, or take your Full exam at an exam centre, here are some handy links:

  • Amateur Radio Full Courses & Exams – A list of the clubs who’ve told us they’re running training
  • RSGB Club Finder – RSGB’s list of all of the UK clubs – most don’t offer training, but your local club may be able to point you in the right direction
  • HamHub UK Regional – Take a look at the HamHub Forum for your area, and ask for locals to help
  • RSGB Regional Teams – Contact your local RSGB rep to see if they can help

If you don’t have any luck – try an online course.

We also recommend the RSGB Full Manual to support your remote studying.


Handy links: Back to Courses & Exams | Suggest/correct an entry

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