Ham Radio Courses and Exams – Full

Online Full Courses

Provider Course Information Cost
Bath Distance Learning Well-respected course that typically runs for 4 months, with weekly work packages in an online classroom and access to a remote tutor. Free
Online Amateur Radio Community (OARC) Fast Track study group running over 8 weeks using Zoom £5 (Free to under 18s)
Strangford High Frequency Enthusiasts Group Course delivered over 14 weeks, twice a year. Course uses Zoom, email, and phone. Contact gi0vkp@gmail.com for details (no website) Free

In-person Full Courses and Exams

Club / Group Training Offered Next Course Notes
Bishop Auckland RAC Classroom On demand Friendly club, offer training on demand, depending on numbers this could be 1-1 or group training
Caithness ARS Online, Classroom whenever requested see web site for full information
Coventry ARS Classroom If demand Courses run on evenings/ weekends to suit candidates.
Midland ARS (South Birmingham) Classroom tbc We offer AD HOC training for foundation and intermediate training
Norfolk ARC Classroom tbc NARC ran our first post-Covid Foundation course in November 2022 and plan to arrange more courses based on demand.
South Notts ARC Online, Classroom TBA We offer training mainly at foundation and intermediate with full available when a tutor becomes free to do so.
Warrington ARC Online Ongoing WARC offer personalised support for aspiring radio amateurs and those working their way through the license levels. Why not contact us and get started!
Worthing Radio Events Group Classroom As required

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