RSGB Increases Exam Fees (2024)

The RSGB has announced that the amateur radio exam fees will increase from May 2024. This follows a sizable increase in 2023

In a statement released by the RSGB on the 1st of February 2024: “The RSGB is being affected by higher-than-inflation increases across the exam processes. The Society is not passing this total increase onto candidates, but the RSGB Board has reviewed the amateur radio licence exam fees and has decided that there needs to be an increase from 1 May 2024.” 

Current Fee New Fee Increase Exam Duration increase since 2022s
Foundation £32.50 £35.50 9.2% 1 hour 29.1%
Intermediate £36 £39 8.3% 1½ hours 20%
Full £42 £45 7.1% 2 hours 20%
Direct-to-Full N/A £95 N/A 2½ hours N/A

The new fees in the table above, will come into effect for exams taken on or after the 1st of May 2024.


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