When conducting exams, certain documents are required. To help tutors and Exam Secretaries, here is a summary of the important RSGB exam documents, and where to get them:
CPAR – Candidate Practical Assessment Record (EX311 Foundation and EX312 Intermediate)
This the student’s record of practical assessments. One of these needs to be completed for each candidate. Each practical must have been assessed by a suitably-qualified amateur and the form needs to be signed off by a Registered Assessor prior to an exam.
These need to be presented at exam-time, so that the Instructors Practical Assessment Record Sheet (EX208 or EX209) can be completed/checked. Candidates retain their CPAR (as a record of their achievement, and if they fail the exam, to save them having to re-do the practicals)
Latest versions we know of are dated Sept 2019 – Purple for Foundation, Green for Intermediate. They used to be A5, they are now A4.
These can’t be printed online – you need to contact the Exam team at RSGB HQ to get a batch of these ahead of the exam.

IPAR – Instructors Practical Assessment Record Sheet (EX208 Foundation and EX209 Intermediate)
This document has to be completed and sent to HQ at the end of an exam. It is filled in by a Registered Assessor from the data from the CPAR forms, and is to prove to HQ that each candidate’s practicals have been completed.
These are normally provided in the exam pack sent to the Exam Secretary just prior to the exam, but they can also be printed online from RSGB Exam Forms.

RAS – Register And Assessment Sheet (EX303)
Supplied by the RSGB in the exam pack sent to the Exam Secretary just prior to an exam. This is the register, confirming attendance and ID check. It’s signed during the exam and returned to RSGB HQ after the exam.

Exam Reference Data Booklet (EX307 Foundation, EX308 Intermediate and EX309 Full)
The booklet given to candidates just before the exam starts. These are provided by the RSGB in the exam pack sent to the Exam Secretary just prior to the exam, but they can also be printed online from RSGB Exam Forms.

Examination Booklet (EX306)
Supplied by the RSGB in the exam pack sent to the Exam Secretary just prior to an exam. This is a 4-page booklet to be completed by the Invigilator during the exam. It includes the text to be read to candidates immediately before the exam, a place to draw the seating plan, and a place to report any irregular conduct or problems during the exam.

Disclaimer: Notes on this page are supplied in good-faith. Check with the RSGB Exam Team at HQ if you are in doubt.