C38: Problem Submitting Quiz Answers?

Occasionally we get reports from users telling us that they are getting questions wrong even though they believe they are selecting the correct answer. When we’ve looked into this, it’s almost always down to the web browser and not the course. If there was a problem with the course, all users would be affected, not just those using certain devices or browsers.

The best advice is to a) select entries carefully, b) try a different browser or device, and c) check tests carefully before hitting “Submit”, to make sure the browser is showing and sending the answers you want.

If you’re still having issues, please get in touch with the following information:

  1. What type of device are you using?
  2. What operating system and version are you using?
  3. What browser and version are you using?
  4. Have you tried a different device? If so, does this happen on all devices?
  5. Have you had the same results with other browsers? Which other browsers have you tried, and are they all on the same device?

At the end of the day, what’s important is that you know the answers to the questions. As long as you’re confident you know the answers, don’t worry too much that a browser problem has shown an unexpected answer.


Want to help us? Let us know what device, OS and browser is causing a problem as a comment below.



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